Release Date ~ May 15, 2012
Hyperion Books
ISBN-13: 978-1423134725
Novel purchased personally
Goodreads Synopsis
It's been three months since Alexis helplessly witnessed Lydia Small's violent death, and all she wants is for her life to return to normal.
But normal people don't see decaying bodies haunting photographs. Normal people don't have to deal with regular intrusions from Lydia's angry ghost, sometimes escalating to terrifying attacks.
At first, it seems that Lydia wants revenge on Alexis alone. But a girl from school disappears one night, and Alexis spots one of Lydia's signature yellow roses lying on the girl's dresser the next day. Soon, it becomes clear that several of Alexis's friends are in danger, and that she's the only person who can save them. But as she tries to intervene, Alexis realizes that her enemy is a much more powerful ghost than she's ever faced before... and that its fate is tied to hers in ways she couldn't possibly imagine.
Not even in her worst nightmares.
So I completely forgot that this book came out in May, or else I would've bought it as soon as it came out. I found myself in Barnes and Noble one day, and to my surprise, I found it on the shelf. I grabbed it, and did a little victory dance because I've been dying for this book to come out! The last book left me hanging, and there was so much that happenned in those last fifty pages that I knew the next book would be awesome.
- This novel is different than others in the series:
One thing that I really like about the Bad Girls Don't Die series, is that I find each novel has a very different feel to it. The first novel, Bad Girls Don't Die, has an overall creepy and disturbing feel to it, as opposed to the second novel, From Bad to Cursed, which had a bit more of a psychological thriller feel to it. I found that this book was very... Unsettling. That's really the only way I can describe it. I got so many bad feelings about events, people, and there was a dream sequence that scared me silly. There were too many coincidences, and I knew that there was something dreadful going on beneath the surface of everything. - Lexi's Attitude:
Unlike a lot of heroines, Lexi doesn't like fighting ghosts. She doesn't fight because she really wants to fight ghosts, she fights because she knows that she is one of the only people that can help. In the book, as soon as she realizes that there is violent ghost activity in her town, she knows that she has to fight back. I don't really think that Lexi would really bother too much with fighting ghosts if they didn't begin to affect her so much, which makes her seem a whole lot more real to me. - Loose ends are tied up:
For those of you who have read the previous books, I'm sure the the last book's ending drove you crazy, as it did me. At first, I was afraid that all the loose ends from the other book would just be ignored and forgotten about, and none of them would ever get tied up. I can assure you that all loose ends are tied.
United States

i still have not read these books . gr8 review
I read Bad Girls Don't Die in 2010. Have yet to grab the next ones, only because they're so expensive and I want the HCs. >_< Awesome review!
I'm also really curious to know what Katie Alender will publish next, considering she's not actually a big fan of horror herself. P: I think she said she'd tackle contemp?
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