As part of the Book Blogger Exchange hosted by Rants~N~Scribbles, I signed up to do a Q&A with my partner who is the lovely Michele from Just a Lil Lost! We put together 10 questions and are now featuring those answers on our blogs. I hope you get to know a little bit more about these bloggers! And thanks to Gwen for organizing all of this <3
I also received a package with a gorgeous finished copy of Legend by Marie Lu (a book I LOVED and desperately needed the finished copy!) and a super pretty Smashbox lipgloss from Michele! It was a PERFECT surprise and loved it so much <3
If you'd like to see my answers to the questions, make sure you stop by Michele's blog for the post!
1. If you could be any character from any book, who would you want to be and why?
I would have to say Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series. She's smart, brave and brilliant with magic - even tho I'm a Slytherin gal at heart ;)
2. What book are you most looking forward to reading over the holidays?
There are so many books on my TBR list that I want to read right away.. and I don't often pick out what I want to read next. Usually once I'm done a book, I look at all the ones I have and see which I'm in the mood for. Since I'll be in NYC for part of the holidays, it'll have to be something on my eReader!
3. Do you do anything or participate in anything that is really special to you over the holidays? Some sort of tradition or something like that.
Christmas Eve is at my boyfriend's parents' place, and then Christmas Day is with my family. But this year, my mom & a few relatives are away on vacation so it's just my sister and her fiance coming over!
4. What was the last book that made you cry?
Books (and TV and movies) don't often make me cry. I guess the one that came closest was The Help by Kathryn Stockett.
5. Which 2012 release is a must read for you?
Definitely Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver
6. What was your favourite book that you read in 2011?
The Help and Shatter Me
7. If you weren't a book blogger, what other topic would you blog about?
I'd probably be blogging about TV shows. I'm a TV junkie and can be a bit nerdy in dissecting shows.. usually just with friends, but I'm sure if I had the time and patience to (and wasn't a book blogger), I'd be analyzing & reviewing TV shows :P
8. What's the #1 book on your wishlist this Christmas?
Well, it was Wither - but thank you to Brenna here who gifted me this one.. I'd have to say Daughter of Smoke & Bone now.
9. What is your favourite holiday treat? (food-wise)
I love apple cider w/brandy! Yummy holiday drink that the BF's family always makes!
10. What is the story behind your blog name?
"Just a Lil Lost" was what I named my silly web comic that I drew.. Just some cute simple cartoons ( that poke fun (lovingly) at my favourite show, Lost - with "lil" versions of the characters. I have a bunch more that I drew in my sketchbook but never put up.. haven't touched it in ages but I liked the name of it because aren't we all just a lil' lost sometimes?
Thank you so much for being a wonderful partner for this exchange, Michele!
Yay! This was SUCH a fun idea that Gwen put together!!
Thank you awesome partner :) and happy holidays!!
happy holidays!!
Oh! And forgot to mention, there's actually a part 2 in transit.. lol.. I ordered it online but figured it wouldn't get there the same time as the package I sent ;)
It was nice to learn a little more about Michele. If I had to pick a character from a book to be, I'd probably choose Hermione for the same reasons.
Awesome Q&A!!!
Magical Urban Fantasy Reads
Great answers to the questions!! I agree - I'd love to be Hermione too!! :D
This was a great idea! Nice to get to know something about another blogger. I think I'd pick Hermione too.
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