But now I'm at 350 followers (eeeek!!!) and I can't believe it- and it got me to thinking, how close is that to 500?! Crazy talk!
So I promised on Twitter that I've got a really fantastic giveaway planned out in my head, which I was going to use for the Back to Books Giveaway Hop but it's just so BIG I figure that I should save it for something BIGGER.
Something like 500 followers big.
I'm not going to say the exact details of it yet; but I'll give you a teaser. There will be many prizes. Special prize "packs" for readers, reviewers, and writers.
And depending on when I reach 500 followers so I can start the giveaway - there may be an ARC or two to give away as well. Most likely from Penguin ;)
So here's what I need YOU to do (that's you, right there, on the other side of the computer screen):
And if you aren't a follower yet, then follow so you can join in on the fun! I love talking about books, discussing books, reading books and reviewing books.. so don't be shy! Get involved, because as much as I do this for myself, I also do it for you! I love feedback of any kind.
Tell all your book loving friends, and then have them tell they're friends. Super easy.
How about a tweet like:
"@EverAfterEsther promised a huge 500 follower giveaway - help us reach that! http://everafteresther.blogspot.com"
And any other way you can think of!
Congrats on your blog and your followers(so far) I love your reviews. They are fresh nd fun. Keep up the good work!
Good work so far, chica. 350 is a great, great start!
Aw, Molli and Tammy- thank you so much! I'm flattered to hear that from you :)
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