Don't forget that you can still enter to win the BIG giveaway where two people are going to win a BIG box of books. The first prize box is including at least SEVEN books, and the second prize box has at least FIVE books! Includes 2012 ARC, new releases, popular YA books, etc. Two more people will also win big swag packs :) Go here to enter!
There is also a giveaway for an e-book of M.R. Merrick's Exiled, which you can read about in his interview with me here. This is such an exciting book and you can't miss it! Open internationally too :)
Another giveaway is open now as well for a SIGNED copy of Jodi Lamm's Titan Magic which is incredibly creative and a really unique fantasy read. You can enter to win on her guest post here. Open internationally!
And today, if you stop by my post with my interview with Jennifer L. Armentrout, you can win one of her books as well!
Guest Post by Michele from Just a Lil Lost
Thank you Brenna for asking me to guest post for Christmas at Esther's Ever After!
If you saw Brenna's Q&A with me, you'll know that I'm quite a TV junkie. It seems that many TV shows and movies now are based on existing books, so I thought I’d take a look back into the recent past (last couple of years) at some of my favourite book-to-screen adaptations. Obviously I won't be able to list every one of them (as I realized just how many there were when I got started making this guest post) but I'll try to cover the ones that stood out most to me.
The ultimate favourite, of course, is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. A phenomenal ending to an equally fantastical series.

One of my other favourite books and movies this year was The Help by Kathryn Stockett.

I wanted to read a few of the books in this Pretty Little Liars series before watching the show and got fully caught up on season 1 so quickly! A fun guilty pleasure show that's a little less contrived than Gossip Girl (as guilty of a pleasure that show is too...:P )

Although both True Blood and Dexter aren't new shows anymore, the calibre of the series in this past year's episodes were fantastic that it deserves mention here.

I would have included Twilight: Breaking Dawn in this list as one of the most highly-anticipated by many for this year, but I really didn't like the book, but I did think the movie was hilarious. ;)
As my own personal rule of thumb, I will always read the book before watching the movie/TV show. A few notable mentions that I didn't include above because I hadn't seen the screen version yet:
- One Day (where I loved the book but have heard mixed reviews on the movie)
- Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (also loved the book but just haven't gotten around to seeing the movie yet)
- Vampire Diaries (which I haven't read the books yet and only seen the first 4 episodes of the series! - I know, I know...)
Some of my most highly-anticipated adaptations coming up are:
- The Hunger Games
- The Hobbit
What are your favourite book-to-screen adaptations from the last year or two? Which ones are you most anticipating?
I actually like The Vampire Diaries because the tv show has barely anything to do with the books, they are so different. That's why I don't find myself comparing them while reading.
Yesterday I saw The Help and I really want to read the book!
That's so funny because I made a post on this subject too. Great minds think alike. :D I'm so so excited for The Hunger Games, I really hope it doesn't disappoint. I already get emotional from the trailer, haha. I haven't read the Girl in the Dragon Tattoo book yet (and I don't think I will because I've heard things about it...) but I really enjoyed the American adaptation. Rooney Mara is fantastic as Lisbeth!
lov dexter, lol bloody and gore
he i like that ^_^
I am looking forward to 'The Hobbit' and crossing my fingers that it is done well.
Thanks for the post!
Hehe yay! Thanks again for having me on your blog :D It was fun to compile (and way too hard to limit myself to only feature a few!)
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