These books contain similar elements, whether it's content, writing style, or other themes found in the stories. They are always books which I have read, and clicking on the title of the book will take you to my review of that book.
If you like...
Variant by Robison Wells
Then you might want to consider reading...
Burn Bright by Marianne de Pierres
I can't sing the praises of Marianne's Night Creatures series enough! I first heard of it on Goodreads where I was drawn in by the cover, but its description is what truly drew me in. It's currently only available in Australia/New Zealand right now, but there are a lot of fans who are hopeful that it will be brought over to this side of the world. Soon. Because it's awesome (I actually just got the sequel this week- squeeee!)
Basic idea is to imagine a world without adults- one which is somewhat hedonistic is well, as the entire focus is on pleasure. But there's something dark and sinister about this place, and Retra is going to uncover what it is. Totally cool, and totally mysterious. And just edgy enough that it's extremely different from just about any other YA book- but a world without adults and kids in control is the link between these three books this week.
The Angel Experiment by James Patterson
I started reading through James Patterson's Maximum Ride series a few years ago, and while I don't have the heart to continue with them any longer (the new books just aren't as good as the originals- it's dragging on for too long now), the first 4/5 are incredible. The idea of scientific experiments on these kids is completely creepy, but these are such good books. Oldies but goodies. Max leads her little group of "bird kids" mostly on her own, without adults, once they're able to escape from The School. And they end up on some incredible adventures.

unkown authors? really there all on my 100 plus wishlist
cool list
No, the description is that the books MAY be by unknown authors, but aren't always.
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