These books contain similar elements, whether it's content, writing style, or other themes found in the stories. They are always books which I have read, and clicking on the title of the book will take you to my review of that book.
If you like...Drink, Slay, Love by Sara Beth Durst
If you haven't read Drink, Slay, Love then you should go pick it up ASAP. Because this one is definitely a must-read for YA lovers; especially if you enjoy paranormal. The description of this book sounds ridiculous and it is, but in a GOOD way. It's a fairly new release, so I know not too many people may have read it yet which is why I'm including this short description. The thing about the 3 books for this week's post is that they all have extremely different settings, but I think they have a similar feel to them while reading; humour, that is.
You might want to read...
Sirenz by Charlotte Bennardo and Natalie Zaman

Shut Out by Kody Keplinger
If you're more of a fan of contemporary fiction, then Shut Out is definitely for you. Kody Keplinger writes in such a funny and likeable tone, that it's hard not to buy into this book. It's one of those few books that I found myself actually laughing out loud as I was reading it, even though it dealt (appropriately) with a more serious issue. Even though the three of these books deal with different settings and issues, they all seem to do so in the same vein of each other and I think they compliment each other quite well.

Okay, all three of these need to be on my TBO list. They sound right up my alley! thanks!
Awesome. Drink Slay Love has been on mt TBR list a while as well as Shut Out.
Xpresso Reads
I didn't think I would, but I enjoyed Drink, Slay, Love immensely! I recommend it to everyone now lol!
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