It's fairly simple- follow the hosting blog, the feature blog, and then use the links to discover new blogs to follow! And if someone follows you, be kind and follow back! It's a fun way to find new bloggers to read :)
Featured Blogger for this week is Lisa Loves Literature.
Q. If you could change the ending of any book (or series), which book would you choose? Why and to what?
This is going to be a spoiler fest so try to write the title of the book as a dominant feature - and warn people about spoilers.
The most recent ending that has bothered me is Witch Song by Amber Argyle.I really hate spoiling things, but I'll spoil it here: so WARNING. This is a spoiler. It isn't a huge one that will ruin the entire book for you but it is a spoiler regarding the love story in it. But if you're still unsure if you want to read this or not, then you can go check out my review of Witch Song where I only allude to it. And I'll include the rest of my answer AFTER the FF picture so you have time to run away if you want.

I disliked the ending where Joshen proposed to Senna, but they agreed that they'd never get married. I just... don't get it. They ranted about how having children would be a bad idea, and that marriage would lead to children and therefore they would just stay engaged.
Really?! For the rest of their lives?! It just seemed so unromantic. And I loved them together! I guess no one has to get married, but it just wasn't what I was expecting. I would have been happier if they'd just had a little make out session and called it a day. THE END.
Now for the weekend hop hosted by Crazy for Books!

“What are you most looking forward to this fall/autumn season – A particular book release? Halloween? The leaves changing color? Cooler temperatures? A vacation? (If your next season is other than fall/autumn, tell us about it and what you are most looking forward to in your part of the world!)”
I'm not sure yet. I like fall clothes and fall shoes. And I just bought this really cool fall hat. But other than that- I don't think I'm looking forward to too much besides it getting closer to Christmas! I'm not very interested in starting school yet, even though it's my last year of undergrad.
However, there are some amazing books being released so I'll go with that: Lola and the Boy Next Door, Dark Passage by M.J. Putney, Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi, The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan... you get the picture.
And last but NOT least.... TGIF at GReads!
Making a Difference: Which book(s) would you put in the hands of
today's teenagers in hopes of making a difference in their lives?
Anything by Sarah Dessen: Her books are perfect for teenage girls, because the main characters are so easy to relate to. They have all sorts of different issues, but they learn to work through them. Dessen has truly written something for just about everyone.
Shut Out by Kody Keplinger: I just finished reading this one a couple days ago, and as I raved about in my review, I love that it deals with sex so openly. Not in a "go ahead and sleep around with everyone, it's awesome" kind of way, but in a healthy, mature way as the girls try to sort out what's "normal" regarding sex. I think this is a great tool to bring up discussions regarding this matter.
Also, The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins: I think this is a book that could get teens, boys and girls alike, into reading. Show them that it's exciting. And more importantly, there are so many underlying messages and themes in HG. SO MANY. I think it could also be a great tool to bring up the importance of politics and our place in that too, because civic responsibility is a big deal to me.
Anyways, thanks for hopping by! I hope you stick around and take a look at some of my posts, reviews, and even see if you want to enter my giveaway for the Back to the Books Hop! And please comment to leave me your link so I can visit your blog as well :) I make sure to visit all of them, and follow a few and leave some comments!

Thanx for warning about the spoilers in advance lol! I really want to read that book so I didn't read your answer. Happy Follow Friday! New Follower Here! Feel free to check out my blog at
Hello new follower! I am you back! I absolutely LOVE the look of your blog.
I see you feel the same way I do about HG and it's great to see someone else chose a book about the complexities of teen sex.
Looking forward to seeing more of your blog!
Marissa @ And many to read before I sleep
I love hunger games!!! except from Mockingjay...:p I cannot wait to read Lola!!!! Apparently it's better than Anna!!
Great post, new follower:D
My Post
I agree completely about The Hunger Games and anything by Sarah Dessen! I'd definitely recommend those too. I'm also looking forward to Lola and Shatter Me too - and The Son of Neptune, though I still haven't read The Lost Hero yet (had it on my tbr since Christmas o_O). Have a great weekend!
I haven't read Witch Song yet. I did have issues with Mockingjay!
My Follow Friday
I am a new follower!
Hope you will stop by and check out my new multi-author blog 'The Writers Voice' with myself, Kristie Cook, Jamie Magee, Kim Richardson, Keary Taylor, Victoria Simcox, Jessica Sorensen, Brenda Pandos, Samantha Young, Jayde Scott, Megg Jensen, Danyelle Leafty and guest authors!
The Writers Voice
"Where you get to know the people behind the pages."
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Emma Michaels
I haven't read witch song yet, so I didn't read about why you didn't like the ending. Ill let you know what I think after I read it.
I love your blog, it actually makes me happy just looking at it. im an old follower. :)
-Michelle @ Book Briefs
stop by and check out my 500 follower giveaway
=) Lola and the Boy Next door! I'm looking forward to that as well. Read Anna and the French Kiss not too long ago and reviewed it on my blog. I hope it lives up to the expectations made by Anna. <3
Hello. New Follower!
I am so looking forward to reading Shatter Me too!
Hunger Games - interesting!!!
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