In My Mailbox is a meme hosted by The Story Siren, which allows bloggers to share what books they’ve received in the past week. They can be from stores, contests, tours, publishers, libraries, borrowed books from friends, and the list goes
on! It's just a way of highlighting the books you received in the past week and making sure they're featured on the blog.This week is a special Christmas and birthday edition including last week's haul because I didn't get around to posting an IMM over the Christmas weekend!
I hope you had a good Christmas, as I did, and that you'll have a good New Year as well! I received a LOT of books I'm really excited for both as Christmas gifts and as birthday gifts (I'm a Christmas baby - and just turned 21!)
The Christmas/birthday haul:
- Dark Passage (Dark Mirror #2) by M.J. Putney
- Touch of Frost (Mythos Academy #1) by Jennifer Estep
- Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna #1) by Kendare Blake
- Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver
- Shattered Souls by Mary Lindsey
- Vampire Academy boxed set (Vampire Academy #1-4) by Richelle Mead
- Winter Town by Stephen Emond
- Ward Against Death (Chronicles of a Reluctant Necromancer #1) by Melanie Card
- The Rise of Renegade X by Chelsea Campbell
- Epic Fail by Claire LaZebnik
All of the above were received from family as gifts :)
- Sweet Venom by Tera Lynn Childs (gifted for the book blogger exchange from Michele @ Just a Lil Lost! Thank you!)
- The Hunger Games beading - made by my little sister for me! Those are all teeny, tiny little beads.
- Pride & Prejudice Kate Spade book clutch - It isn't a REAL book, but it's too bookish not to show off! Also a gift from my family :) It opens up and has tons of space inside!
- COLLECTOR'S EDITION: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (gift from my little sister)
- Imperfect Justice: Prosecuting Casey Anthony by Jeff Ashton (another gift, this one from my papa; I'm really interested in the legal field and have been following this case for years so this was a great surprise. Because I don't ALWAYS read YA ;) haha!)
- The Gathering Storm (Katarina Trilogy #1) by Robin Bridges (received from Random House Canada for review) TBR ~ January 10, 2012
- ARC Living Violet (The Cambion Chronicles #1) by Jaime Reed (won in giveaway from Kensignton Teen)
- Graceling (The Seven Kingdoms #1) by Kristin Cashore (purchased at Chapters - for only $6 because the hardcover was on sale!)
- The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson (purchased at Chapters)
- Cinder (Lunar Chronicles #1) by Marissa Meyer (purchased at Chapters - I've already read an ARC but I knew I HAD to get a finished copy!)
- Switched (Trylle Trilogy #1) by Amanda Hocking (purchased at Chapters - again, I already read the ARC but I needed a finished one and it was out early along with Cinder)
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Volume 1 by John Vornholt, Arthur Byron Cover, Alice Henderson (purchased at Chapters - I've been on a Buffy kick recently)
- Pretty Guaridan Sailor Moon Volume 1 by Naoko Takeuchi (purchased at Chapters)
- Catching Jordan by Miranda Kenneally (received from Raincoast books for review)
- ARC The Vicious Deep (The Vicious Deep #1) Zoraida Cordova (received from Raincoast books for review)
I'd love to see what books you've received, and will be sure to check out your post if you leave the link in a comment :)

enjoyy alll
happy new year
Happy (belated- unless your birthday is today) Birthday! ;)
And totally jealous of all of the amazing books your got! I love that your family and friends actually got you books! Mine are always too afraid to buy me any, not knowing what I already own, so they just give me money or gift cards so that I can go out and get them myself. ;)
Wow you got a lot of cool stuff this week! i can't wait to read Cinder and Switched and Shattered Souls! I hope you enjoy everything! Come check out my IMM!!
I was sooooo surprised to see Cinder at Chapters today when I went since it's release date hasn't passed yet. But I was so excited and it didn't stop me from grabbing my own copy! Plus, the bargain books were amazing - I don't think I've ever seen such a great selection.
Amazing bunch of books this week Brenna!
Happy New Year!
Jealous, I can't wait until I can get my own finished copy of Cinder (though it does come out on Tuesday, haha). Great haul of books! You got a ton of great stuff. All will be welcome additions to your personal library, I'm sure.
wow!! awesome books! especially cinder, and the vampire academy boxed set! i really need to read this series
- juhina
WOW! That is one EPIC book haul. =D So I will say Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday (Happy 21!) and Happy New Year. =D I can't believe it's 2012!
That's a great pile of books and it was extra special as a birthday/Christmas haul. You'll be busy for a while. (-;
Awesome haul <3 So lucky you have Cinder and The Gathering Storm! I can't wait to read those :) And wow, Vampire Academy series! I seriously need to buy the entire set for day!
Sailor Moon is awesome! Just thought I would say that haha, it looks like you had a fantastic birthday and a good christmas!!
You got some AMAZING books!! You lucky thing! I loved Ward Against Death, Touch of Frost and Anna Dressed in Blood, they are actually in my top favourites of 2011! Hope that you enjoy them as much as I did!
Happy New Year, and Happy Reading!
Happy New Year and Happy belated Birthday! :)
This is a post full of awesome books! A few of them I have sitting on my shelf and need to read soon. :D I hope you enjoy all of these. :)
Fictional Distraction
Uhm, wow! :D You got lots and lots of great books ;) I hope you enjoy reading them all :D
Happy New Year! :)
Love, Carina @ Carina's Books
How big is that bookshelf of yours? I'd really like to know...
PS: Please visit the book complaining In My Neglected Mailbox this week. Thanks!
Absolutely fantastic mailbox! Enjoy all your books! I remember that Ward Against Death was surprisingly very good and I have Maureen Johnson in my mailbox this week as well. :)
Lots of awesome stuff!!! I'm loving Cinder :) I hope you enjoy everything!!
Anna @ Literary Exploration
Excellent haul this week! The best mailbox I've seen thus far! I really love Sweet Venom, Anna Dressed in Blood and Before I Fall! I been dying to read Shattered Souls! So lucky.
I hope you enjoy all those lovely books! Happy New Year!
ooooo Before I Fall is WONDERFUL!!!! And I got the box set for VA also!!!!! I'm so excited!!! Nice haul!!!! So many good books!!! I grabbed Switched and catching Jordan also!!!!!
Tara's Mailbox and her giveaway
WOW! You are one lucky gal! That is such a great haul of books.
I've been wanting to read the Imperfect Justice book. I was on top of that case. Watched all but 2 days of the trial.
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